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22.Jan, 2024 0

What Types of Lawyers Should You Consult for Your Online Business?

Did you know that litigation in the U.S. can potentially cost you tens of thousands of dollars to upwards of a million dollars, depending on the scope of a case?  In the fast-paced world of online business, understanding legalities is similar to learning a game where the rules keep changing….

4.Aug, 2023 0

Terms of Service Legally Binding? Asking a Terms of Service Lawyer

In our increasingly digital age, we encounter “Terms of Service” agreements regularly. Whether signing up for a new social media platform, using a website, or downloading an app, we often find ourselves clicking “I agree” without reading the fine print. But do these terms hold any legal weight? Can they…

24.Jul, 2023 0

What is Included in Terms of Service?

Introduction When using online services or platforms, you’ve likely come across the phrase “Terms of Service” or “Terms and Conditions”, in this blog post a Terms of Service Lawyer will help you break Terms of Service and Terms and Conditions down. Terms of Service and/or Terms and Conditions are legally…

11.May, 2023 0


Do you need a lawyer for Terms of Service? Talk to a terms of service lawyer today!

19.Apr, 2023 0

Clickwrap vs. Browsewrap Terms and Conditions

Do Browsewrap or Clickwrap Terms and Conditions Protect Your Business? In the digital age, it’s almost impossible to avoid agreeing to some sort of terms and conditions when using online services. But have you ever stopped to think about the different types of agreements and what they entail? Specifically, the…

8.Jan, 2020 0

CCPA Regulatory Compliance Penalties

There are CCPA regulatory compliance that helps to guarantee the effectiveness of the statute.