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Do I Need Terms and Conditions? (Yes.)

Terms and conditions outline the rules for websites, apps, and software. Like playing a football game with no rules, not having terms and conditions exposes you to greater risks. Terms and conditions agreements are, essentially, a code of conduct framework, and having one protects your assets. With terms and conditions, you can:

  • Limit liability exposure;
  • Maintain control of your website;
  • Address problems before they become potential lawsuits;
  • Implement user rules and guidelines;
  • Choose how to settle disputes;
  • Set your pricing, payment, and refund policies;
  • Control intellectual property.

Looking over your shoulder, waiting for the next lawsuit to fall, is stressful. By having terms and conditions in place will give you peace of mind.

Do I Need a Privacy Policy?

If you collect information from users, it’s against the law in some jurisdictions (stateside and abroad) not to have a website privacy policy outlining how you collect data and what is done with it.

Privacy policies detail data collection methods and retention procedures. Any website, app, or piece of software that sweeps up and stores personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information should have a privacy policy.

terms of service lawyer on Facebook

Does the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) apply? Navigating through state, federal, and international data privacy laws can be confusing. We’ll make sure that your privacy policy addresses your data collection practices— and works for all jurisdictions in which you operate.

Protect Your Brand And Assets

Millions of websites lack proper terms and conditions, leaving them exposed to costly litigation. Many website owners think it’s too costly; others don’t understand the value of terms. While ignoring these problems may work for a short term, in the long run, you’re putting your business at risk…skydiving without a parachute.

Legally protect your business, affordably.

What Sets Us Apart

Think all lawyers are tech savvy? Here’s a test: Crash a Bar Association mixer and ask an attendee their thoughts on artificial intelligence.

Don’t be surprised by the blank stares.

We, however, are tech enthusiasts; we’re also lawyers who stay up-to-date on the latest government regulations that affect online businesses.

Terms and Conditions Lawyer

Millions of websites lack proper terms and conditions, leaving them exposed to costly litigation. Many website owners think it’s too costly to create lawyer drafted terms and conditions; others don’t understand the value of terms and conditions. While ignoring these problems may work for a short term, in the long run, you’re putting your business at risk…skydiving without a parachute.  Talk to a terms and conditions lawyer today.

Legally protect your business, affordably.