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Building a good data protection program for your Business (Part 2)

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21.May, 2020 Hansen Tong 0 Data Privacy
  1. Taking On-site security measure:

Soon after the risks to data are collated, the next line of action would be to take appropriate physical data protection and damage measures. That can be achieved by making use of commercial record centers to store confidential hard copy documents and files. Such facilities keep information secure by offering security functionalities such as round-the-clock security guards, internal and external surveillance recording, restricted personnel access to files, perimeter fencing, amongst others.

You’d agree that it is necessary to outsource because not all businesses can conveniently afford these security functionalities amongst others.

  1. Posting a data privacy policy:

As a data protection—compliant business, you are obliged to put your users in-the-know of how their data is being protected and secured. Your attorney should be able to guide you in putting together a data policy that meets legal and regulatory compliance. And if you, fortunately, do not have an attorney yet, you can simply reach out to our team.

  1. Training your employees:

You might not have heard of this, but your employers are your first line of attack and defense when it comes to data protection. It’s important to keep them informed and prepared regarding the new requirements about data protection, and their role in the compliance regime. Their training module should include modules such as:

  1. Recognizing phishing attacks
  2. Password management
  3. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy
  4. Confidential data secure access procedures, amongst others.

These actionable steps should be helpful in helping to build a good data protection program for any business. Remember, sanctions are more expensive than timely compliance.

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